Featured Turtle Pictures  -  August 9, 2006

Alligator Snapping Turtles (Macroclemys temminckii) nest mates

Straight Carapace Length (SCL) = 7.25"
Maximum Carapace Width (MCW) = 6"
Weight =  ca. 2 lbs
Gender = TYTT (Too Young To Tell)
Named: Alli and Gabe
   - from captive-bred clutch

   - acquired as hatchlings ca. Mar-05

   - safe handling technique:
     • use gloved hands to improve grip and protect from claws
     • grasp carapace (upper shell) firmly just forward of hind legs
     • keep your face and everyone else's body parts well away from the turtle's head

   - never pick a live turtle up by the tail:
     • unnecessary, and compromises control of animal and handler's safety
     • likely to cause severe injury
     • causes extreme stress and agitation


Things to remember:
• fast-growing & powerful
• adult size upwards of 150 lbs.
• crankiness increases with size
• can inflict severe tissue damage
• require pond or large aquarium
• will scrap with each other
• will eat smaller turtles


Note worm-like tongue that serves as a lure to entice fish into the turtle's mouth.
Note the opening of the trachea, or windpipe, in the floor of the oral cavity.

RELEASE: Since Alligator Snappers are not known to be indigenous to Ohio County, Kentucky, these turtles will either remain in perpetual captivity for study and class-room presentations or will be relocated to a more traditional geographic setting for re-introduction.